Resident Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
After being designated by residents as the PACT partner for the Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea NYCHA houses in November 2021, our project plan has evolved significantly based on community input. Together, we’ve shaped a proposal that ensures safe, healthy, and permanently affordable housing for all current residents. Enhancements have been made to include new amenities, community spaces, and sustainable design elements.
We deeply value the partnership of all residents and look forward to building a better future for everyone at Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea.
To keep you informed, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) based on feedback throughout the process, which we will update regularly. If you have additional questions, please visit our Contact Us link.
We are committed to ensuring this project meets the needs of the entire community and strengthens the future for all residents.
For the latest information on Myths and Facts About PACT read below:
your Home Interview
with HOU
Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) is a resident liaison brought on by the PACT Partner team to ensure residents have all the resources they need throughout the PACT process. HOU is on-site to meet with you or your family, conduct a household assessment, and perform a social services needs assessment to help the PACT Partner team plan for the future of Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea. This step is essential, as it provides our team with accurate information about each apartment's individual needs, allowing us to plan effectively.
If you have not yet met with an HOU team member, please contact them at the number below to schedule a convenient time, including in your preferred language. The HOU team is on-site 7 days a week.
Fulton Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 AM–4 PM (or by appointment)
Location: 420 West 19th Street, Apartment #1E
Elliott-Chelsea Office Hours: By appointment
Call HOU at (718) 775-3712
Join a Resident Committee
We are committed to leading a resident-first process. We are currently accepting applicants for the following resident committees. To get involved in a committee, and help plan for the future of Fulton & Elliott-Chelsea, please apply below.
Design/Construction Committee
Meet with designers and architects to review the project process
Meet with consultants and experts on related topics
Participate in discussions shaping the future of Fulton & Elliott-Chelsea
Property Management/Security Committee
Define success between management and residents, including expectations for site staff and good neighbor principles
Review property management structure (roles, service expectations, work order response, communication)
Address security concerns
Develop House Rules
Resident Resources/Community Engagement Committee
Review survey results to identify needed on-site resources
Assess community offerings and seek improvement opportunities
Meet with potential providers and local partners
Communicate resources and engagement opportunities to resident
Latest Updates
Press Release – October 2024
On October 30, 2024, the NYCHA Board formally approved the next step in the process to rebuild the campus and construct brand-new NYCHA Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea buildings led by Essence Development and Related Companies. This agreement serves as a comprehensive roadmap for the project, enabling the launch of the Bridge Plan, which will provide essential repairs, resources, and improvements for residents of Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea as they await the new construction. These enhancements have now officially begun.
Resident Update - Spring 2024
We want to reassure you that NYCHA and the PACT partners, Essence Development and Related Companies, are working diligently to deliver new, quality housing for your household while preserving your rights and protections. However, we are aware that external groups have been circulating a significant amount of inaccurate information regarding NYCHA’s proposal for Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea and its impact on you as a resident. The below resident update package reviews some of the myths you might have been hearing about and answers them with our fact-checked explanations.
Learn more about the latest Resident Update
Environmental Review
To support the transformation of Fulton and Elliott-Chelsea, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will assess the potential impacts on the human, built, and natural environment, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). While no decisions are made in the EIS, its findings help guide decision-makers. The process also encourages resident and public involvement through formal comments, starting with the scoping period. We highly encourage active participation in this important review.